Friday, April 17, 2009

My Great Uncle Dick....

I started with Uncle Dick, not because he is the oldest or because he is the last of the boys left, but because he told me the best stories about the school house & the teacher. This story is kinda gross, but this is how he got the teacher to release the kids early. Since it is a cold building, the teacher would have a wood stove going to keep the kids a bit warmer. On the days he didn't want to be there, he would pee, yes pee on the wood stove, the stench of it was unbearable & the teacher would send them all home. This happened quite a few times & I am sure all the boys knew the trick. I should ask him if she ever caught these naughty boys & what kind of trouble they would be in.

Here was our first bad news when looking over the church... some of the main supports have rotted... in fact they would crumble into your hand when you touched them. This was a man that has lived in our town forever & understands how to fix problems in old buildings. 1 problem now solve. Yeah!!!

1 comment:

Jim, "Homer" said...

Nothing says back in the day than peeing on the stove. LOL.

Love the story.