Thursday, December 4, 2008

Famous Writer...

OK, not yet, but some day soon. This women married my cousin that I love dearly. She started writing & has published a few books already. We are all proud of her. She is the one I call when my daughter & I can't figure out the correct punctuation of a sentence. Lucky for us!!! Otherwise my daughter would be failing English. (Well that is a stretch of my imagination, since she got a 90 in her honers class last quarter.) Check out Allie's blog at and you can order her books from Amazon. Keep writing Allie!!!


Allie Boniface said...

Hey, thanks! Yeah, I love your cousin dearly too :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Wendy
Your new Blog is incredible!! Just like you, your photo's are the best.....I am always in awh of them!

Dylan still makes me leave your Blog on for the music, this morning it was on for a half hour!!

Love Ya!